For the Love of Mahler:
The Inspired Life of Henry-Louis de La Grange

For the Love of Mahler takes us into the passionate world of Henry-Louis de La Grange, a charismatic 91-year old music historian who since first hearing a Mahler symphony in 1945 devoted the rest of his life to researching every detail of Mahler’s biography. How Mahler’s music inspired his life, and how Henry-Louis channeled an obsession into a lifetime of groundbreaking discoveries, famous friendships and award winning accomplishment, demonstrates the remarkable power of music to change lives. Filmed in Marrakech, Paris and the Italian Alps.

For the Love of Mahler takes us into the passionate world of Henry-Louis de La Grange, a charismatic 91-year old music historian who since first hearing a Mahler symphony in 1945 devoted the rest of his life to researching every detail of Mahler’s biography. How Mahler’s music inspired his life, and how Henry-Louis channeled an obsession into a lifetime of groundbreaking discoveries, famous friendships and award winning accomplishment, demonstrates the remarkable power of music to change lives. Filmed in Marrakech, Paris and the Italian Alps.
For the Love of Mahler takes us into the passionate world of Henry-Louis de La Grange, a charismatic 91-year old music historian who since first hearing a Mahler symphony in 1945 devoted the rest of his life to researching every detail of Mahler’s biography. How Mahler’s music inspired his life, and how Henry-Louis channeled an obsession into a lifetime of groundbreaking discoveries, famous friendships and award winning accomplishment, demonstrates the remarkable power of music to change lives. Filmed in Marrakech, Paris and the Italian Alps.
Pierre Boulez
Riccardo Chailly
Nicolas Dufetel
Christoph Eschenbach
Gaston Fournier-Facio
Thomas Hampson
Stephen Hefling
Marina Mahler
Bruno Mégevand
Vincent Mouret
Blaise Orsini
Athena Parthonnaud
Claude Samuel
Morten Solvik
Francoise Xenakis
Pierre Boulez
Riccardo Chailly
Nicolas Dufetel
Christoph Eschenbach
Gaston Fournier-Facio
Thomas Hampson
Stephen Hefling
Marina Mahler
Bruno Mégevand
Vincent Mouret
Blaise Orsini
Athena Parthonnaud
Claude Samuel
Morten Solvik
Francoise Xenakis